In the late 1960s a group of individuals came together to organize University Christian Church (UCC). Our first worship service was held on September 14, 1969 with 105 in attendance. Since that time, UCC has grown to an average attendance of over 1,000 each weekend.
UCC is a vibrant, independent, elder and staff-led Christian fellowship. We are part of the Restoration Movement which began almost two centuries ago. The goal of this movement is to follow, as closely as possible, the teachings and practices the New Testament sets forth and in so doing eliminate divisions which have developed between churches.
We recognize that not everyone agrees about everything, so we say, “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, love.” We strive for unity where scripture teaches about salvation and forgiveness of sin (essentials): grace, faith, repentance, baptism, and continuing to follow Christ. Some examples of non-essentials include: worship styles, end time beliefs, and church policy.
In a world where there are many denominations, we chose to just be called Christians. Not the only Christians, but by name, Christians only.