We want every student to have a place to feel completely accepted yet challenged, to experience fellowship and community, to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, and to be empowered to use their gifts.
Relationships are vital in a student’s life. This is simply one of the reasons why relationships drive our youth ministry. We want all students to have a place to belong, a place to call home, a place where they can be themselves and be surrounded by friends and positive influences. We want students to have connections with other students, with caring adults who invest in them, with Jesus, and with the Church, both local and global. In our student ministry we have loads of fun but also discuss serious, relevant topics that affect students today. We laugh together and cry together. We do our best to lift up the hurting and celebrate with each victory. In the end, everything comes back to the Jesus and the Bible, the center of our purposes, methods, and teaching. We invite you to join us and experience it for yourself!

Middle School Youth Group
Wednesday nights from 6:15-8:15pm in the Youth Building. You belong here!
We believe that Jesus loves middle school students! We invite all 6th - 8th graders to join us and let Jesus impact their lives so they can impact God’s world. Middle school can be a time of excitement, change, learning, texting, confusion, self-searching, friend-making, food-fighting, smelliness (good and bad), social networking, hurting, serving, playing, and just plain craziness! Through it all, we want students to know Jesus: to know He loves them, to know He saved them, to know He gives their lives meaning, to know He gives them hope, to know He wants to use them to show love to others.
We believe that Jesus loves middle school students! We invite all 6th - 8th graders to join us and let Jesus impact their lives so they can impact God’s world. Middle school can be a time of excitement, change, learning, texting, confusion, self-searching, friend-making, food-fighting, smelliness (good and bad), social networking, hurting, serving, playing, and just plain craziness! Through it all, we want students to know Jesus: to know He loves them, to know He saved them, to know He gives their lives meaning, to know He gives them hope, to know He wants to use them to show love to others.

High School Youth Group
Join us on Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00pm in the Youth Building for High School Youth Group (HSYG). We’ll have a chance to connect with each other in genuine relationships, have some fun, experience a safe place to belong, engage in genuine worship, and learn a little about how to draw closer to Jesus in your life. Small groups are key to our Sunday night experience. Each student will connect in a small group with their peers and caring adults, sharing life together from week to week and digging deeper into applying God’s Word to our lives. There’s something special about this group and the genuine community we have developed. We think you matter, and we want you to belong here.
Journey & The Way
On Sunday mornings during the 9:30 service, middle and high schoolers can gather in the Youth Building for “Journey” & "The Way". This is a further opportunity to grow in your relationships with God & other students. We engage in exploring our faith through fearless, relevant conversations, questions, & stories that help us connect to God in real, sustaining ways. Come grapple and journey with us to discover the Truth.
Note: on fourth Sundays of the month, middle & high schoolers join the 9:30 am service together (sitting on the left side of the auditorium behind the baptismal)