Training and Resources

Walk/Jog/Run Bible Reading Plan
Stay spiritually healthy this year! Commit to reading the Bible alongside your church family. Download your own copy of the Bible Reading Plan by clicking here or find it in the Bible tab of the UCC Hub App. Not sure what daily reading and reflection of the Bible could look like? We've got a guide for that too! Our plans start new each September 1 and you can find weekly reflections on our Facebook and Instagram each Wednesday.
Prayer Resources
Prayer is a conversation with God - both talking and listening. If you're looking for a structured way to engage in prayer, the prayer wheel may be a good place to start (start with 1 minute a section or jump right into 5 minutes). Or use the ACTS method: 
  • Adoration: Praising God for who He is
  • Confession: owning our sins
  • Thanksgiving: thanking God for all He has done
  • Supplication: Pray for ourselves and others
No matter how you choose to engage, God is listening and can't wait to spend time with you.
Telling Others About Jesus
Part of following Jesus is teaching others to follow Jesus - but a lot of us get nervous when thinking about sharing our faith! Consider the story method - ask someone their story, share your story, and share God's story. This tool can help you gain confidence in how to share the most important part of your life with other people. Remember, it's about relationship. Our relationship with Jesus has changed us to the point we want to tell others how to have what we have - a relationship with Jesus!
Accountability Questions
If your small group is interested in digging in to difficult conversations or want to help each other as they follow Jesus, we've compiled a list of potential questions you can ask one another. These questions are best used by individuals and groups who have done the work of building genuine, Christ-centered community and used voluntarily as a way to encourage one another.
Learn about Baptism
Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? Awesome! The response given in Scripture is to be baptized. Learn more about that in our Baptism Booklet and sign up to be baptized on a Sunday morning or our next Baptism Sunday.